If you want to make money on the Internet, it only makes sense that you run a porn site, although getting material for your site could prove to be quite the challenge unless you have enough capital in the first place. It seems that 30% of all web traffic comprise of porn, according to a report from ExtremeTech’s site. The site also cited that the biggest porn site on the Internet is Xvideos, where they are on the receiving end of 4.4 billion page views and 350 million unique visits – each month. Other sites that surpass these figures can only be sites such as Google and Facebook.
It is also estimated that approximately 29 petabytes of pornography are being transferred each month, and one can only guess that this particular figure will go nowhere else but north in the future. We are talking about 50 gigabytes a second, now how about that? One thing is for sure, if you want to make huge bucks off the Internet, running a blog site is not going to be the road you would want to take.
icreati.Hi-Tech News
source: http://www.ubergizmo.com/