The ability of Britain's security institutions to fight off the threat from online activists was cast into doubt after hackers penetrated Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism hotline and leaked conversations between staff online.
Britain is lagging behind the US, France and Germany in its capacity to respond to cyber attacks, a former senior official at the government "listening post", GCHQ, warned yesterday.
A recent version of malicious software called Flashback exploits a security flaw in Java in order to install itself on Macs.Apple released a Java update on April 3, 2012 that fixes the Java security flaw for systems running OS X v10.7 and Mac OS X v10.6.
Those popular hacktivists are at it again this past week, hacking hundreds and hundreds of Chinese government websites recently. While they managed to deface well over 500 sites we are now hearing they aren’t finished yet and have even more plans for the Chinese government coming soon, and bigger targets.