That information and more has now been confirmed by the film’s producer Mark Hulme. Hulme says that the working title for the movie at this point is “Jobs: Get Inspired.” That title doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, I wonder if they’ll change it before the movie launches. The movie will primarily focus on the early years of Apple as a company from 1971 through 2000. Those years before Apple became so wildly successful with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
The producer of the film says rather than using a book to base the film script on, the writers of the script actually used people that knew Jobs personally. The producer says that they picked Ashton Kutcher to play Jobs because they needed someone who could pull off the “youthfulness of Jobs at the time but also the psychological complexity.” Interestingly, Ashton Kutcher and Steve Jobs have remarkably similar features from the timeframe the movie covers. The movie is going to start filming in May and hopes to hit theaters in Q4.
icreati: Hi-Tech News.
source: http://www.slashgear.com