We've got our hands on the new iPad yesterday; we showed off in depth unboxing and specs video along with a camera quality test video here. The new iPad comes with Retina display, iSight camera, A5X dual core processor and 4G LTE chip.
We were very surprised to see three different untethered jailbreak exploits for iOS 5.1 running on iPad 3 surfaced on launch date.
The first methods was showed by MuscleNerd, the second one by the German iPhone hacker i0n1c and now the third jailbreak comes from Grant Paul and Paul Griffin who were able to find the jailbreak exploit in 3 – 4 hours after shipment.
MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team noted that his jailbreak is in early stage and it needs a lot of time to be ready for a public released. However, i0n1c and chpwn/phoenixdev didn’t mention anything about the release date of their jailbreaks.
Now it looks like that the iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPhone 4S won’t be in jail for too long on iOS 5.1. Also A4 devices’ owners won’t stay on tethered jailbreak for too long.
In meantime, in case you’re an A4 device owner (iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 1 and iPod touch), you can follow our step by step guiide posted here to jailbreak iOS 5.1 (tethered) using redsn0w jailbreak tool from the iPhone Dev Team. iPhone 4S and iPad 2 owners can’t get jailbreak on iOS 5.1 but you can use our guide posted here to untethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 using greenpois0n absinthe jailbreak tool. Those users who have upgrade to iOS 5.1 and want to downgrade back to older firmaware, we’ve a full step by step guide here.